Francesco Boggio Ferraris

Head of the Italy-China Foundation’s School of Continuous Education

After graduating with a diploma Chinese Language and Culture from the IsIAO in Milan and attaining the HSK certificate of Chinese language proficiency, he completed his studies at the Nankai University of Tianjin and at the BLCU in Beijing, where he completed a Catholic University of Milan training programme focused on Chinese language teaching.

Since 2009, he has been head of the Italy-China Foundation’s School of Continuous Education. In recent years, he has concentrated his efforts on the design and implementation of in-house training programmes based on intercultural and diversity management strategies for Italian business and for numerous multinationals in Italy and in Europe, particularly in the fashion industry, in the luxury sector and in the field of hospitality services for Chinese tourists.

He was a lecturer in the "Doing business in BRICS" MBA course at the Luiss Business School, as part of the Master’s programme "Teaching L2 Italian to Sinophonic Students" at the Sacro Cuore Catholic University in Milan, where he is a Chinese language teacher.